
I'm John Pruett, and I will be working at IB Jones this year as a specialist with the Asheville City Schools Academically-Intellectually Gifted Program. It's a true honor to come aboard at Jones, your sterling reputation being well know to me. I've worked for ACS for nearly 20 years, and Jones is the one elementary school with which I've never worked. I am the product of public educators, both literally and figuratively. My parents are retired teachers, and I proudly hail from institutes of public education. My background spans the southeast: born in Tennessee, raised in Georgia, schooled (undergrad) in South Carolina, my family has lived in Asheville since 1993. My teaching license is from UNCA, and my masters level AIG licensure is from WCU. My career has with Asheville City Schools, where I've been an AIG Specialist since 2000. I have lots to share with you about the AIG program, and this blog will be a main artery for this information. I'll plan...