Here is a letter that was sent home today with current fifth grade (rising 6th) AIG students. Please contact me with any questions. May, 2015 Parents of Rising AIG 6 th Graders: As we start looking toward the end of the school year, it is time to look ahead to what gifted services will look like next year at Asheville Middle School. We are beginning now to collect data on each AIG student in order to determine the very best service match for your student. This process will continue in the fall. While this data is being collected and services are being determined, all sixth grade AIG students will be served through a weekly enrichment opportunity called Transition Study Group. In Transition Study Group, the AIG Specialists work with the students to consider the nature of giftedness, offer enrichment opportunities, and help the students to transition academically to the sixth grade. Here is the process that will be used to match appropriate s...