Much of the written or published work of our AIG groups has moved to online publishing through Google docs - which means students word process via student Google accounts. Students share this work with me, and I access it to make helpful editorial comments - often in real time. Here's a shot of some fifth graders (you know who you are!) working on documents as I review and provide formative input. Most published pieces are shared in some way - either through hard copies or video content on this very blog. Just another way we're all moving (sometimes kicking and screaming) into the future!
Hey, so this is quite the mass of videos from fifth grade scale work, so keep on scrolling! This ESG used the Beaufort Wind Scale as inspiration for making their own scales that quantified things in their own lives. You may want to skip KT if you have a delicate stomach. It did get censored already, for the record. What fun we have in ESG!
Fifth grade ASG Reading students completed reading a story called The Peddlar's Gift. In this story, a down-trodden Russian peddler (Shimon or Schnook) "misplaces" a dreidle "found" by Leibush . The circumstance around this is the crux of the story. Students wrote responses in the forms of letters or reflections on the actions of the characters. Here are some examples of this writing. All work comes home this week. I saw Leibush stealing the dreidel but I was not mad. I knew he would come tell me like all the other children who stole my things. He grabbed it right off the ground and put it in his pocket.I can tell he doesn't enjoy doing this but the devil got the best of him. I said goodbye to the family and got on my wagon.I rode down the street when it started pouring rain by the bucketful I saw the synagogue and rode over. I wondered if I would ever see the dreidel again. Leibush walked into the synagogue and had a look on his face that was pure wh...
Our third grade ASG Math groups have been working with collaborative problem solving challenges. Students each have clues to solving a math problem that they share and then, ideally, solve. Here's a snap of one such group hard at work.
Fifth grade math students have spent the last few weeks writing math simulations to present to our ASGM class. Inspired by their work with the simulation Lost!, students wrote their own stories embedded with math problems. There is a surplus of student work (including the math work form Lost!) that I'll be sending home in the coming weeks.
Our fourth grade CSG students have been reflecting on the way they learn - with an emphasis on Harold Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. They have been wrapping up work on personal profiles. Here's a couple of examples! More to come...
The Asheville Police Department kindly allowed Officers Kade and Fry to come speak with our Safety Patrol members this week. These two officers did a great job speaking with students about traffic safety, fielding questions from our students, and passing out APD swag. A great afternoon and opportunity for these students. IBJ is always happy to strengthen our relationship with APD! Thanks, officers!