
Showing posts from January, 2017

Problem of the Week

Here's a snap of another in a long line of Problem of the Week winners. Weekly math challenges are available to all 4-5 students. Winning responses are added to a drawing for not only a prize, but the recognition of your math abilities! Congrats to all past, present, and future winners!

5th Grade and Duke

Fifth grade notices from the Duke 4th-6th Grade Talent Search. Fifth grade notices are going home today. Each year, Duke University's Talent Identification Program (TIP) holds the 4th-6th Grade Talent Search. This program looks for high-performing students across our state. Criteria includes a 95th percentile on any of a number of assessments.  I have currently screened all fourth graders for this program and have sent home a letter including official flyers and applications from Duke TIP. Being part of this opens up opportunities for students to have access to above-grade testing, enrichment opportunities, and resources from the program. There is a fee, and Duke allows for needs-based scholarships. The enrollment deadline is  March 31, 2017. Participating fifth graders should already be 'in the loop' with this program.

Math Work and Growth

So here are some snaps of AIG math students working on collaborative problem solving activities. In this work, students each have clues to solve a common problem. They must share not only the information required but also strategies and thoughts behind potential solutions.  Fourth and fifth grade students have been working on assignments that start easy but get 'challenging' real quick! In reading groups as well, this fourth grade cohort has seen great strides in how to work together! Simulations and explicit behaviors taught and retaught are making them even better students. Oh, and there's a lot to be said for a couple of years of maturity, as well. It is my pleasure to watch them grow stronger!


Reading:  a meaningful interaction between a reader and text. Regardless of environment, evidently. As fourth and fifth graders move further into Junior Great Books literature selections, I'm reminded that this 'meaningful interaction' has SO much purpose. Let's read not only to learn and grow but also to enjoy life! And certainly never just to show what speedy readers we are! BTW, students select where they read!

Happy New Year

It has been a great week back at Jones! I trust everyone had a restful break.  I was ill the last day before break, so it was delightful to come back to holiday goodies! Many thanks for thinking of me!