A Work in Progress

So it may not look like much currently, but what you're seeing is an awesome work space in progress! The IBJ custodial staff has been hard at work moving, clearing, and cleaning. I do so appreciate their efforts - along with the efforts of so many Jones people who have helped me not only to move in, but also feel like a part of the team! This is room 13 (lucky 13!) where our AIG students will be meeting in the coming weeks. Tables will run perpendicular to the windows, leaving space for our groups to meet together in a circle. I'm a big believer in the circle! I'll post developing pics AND more information about our AIG work. A quick reminder to parents: AIG qualification is based on many factors all of which lead to a focus on reading, math, and aptitude - or a combination of all. I'm excited to work with teachers to provide enrichment for IBJ's AIG students! Thanks!!