
Showing posts from December, 2014

Video Hint of Things to Come!

Our fourth grade CSG students have been working with Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. After reflecting on these, students guessed which of these they might most reflect. After completing an online survey, students then compared their initial thoughts to the results. Students then incorporated these into a Google personal profile presentation. Not all have completed the recording as of yet, but here's one to whet your appetite for things to come.

Set Champion 12/18

After completing the recording of his personal profile, Barfuo set the class record for solving in 17 minutes and 51 seconds. Way to go!

Möbius Strip

Why, yes, that's the biggest Möbius strip you've ever seen! Based on the work if M.C. Escher, our fifth grade CSG students have constructed it after discussions about Escher's work and the concept of the infinite! 

AIG Update December 2014

Here's a copy of the December AIG Update Thanks for all your support in 2014! I am fortunate to work with such great students, teachers, and families.  Happy Holidays! Advanced Subject Group in Reading 4:   Fourth grade completed our work with the Junior Great Books (JGB) introduction to shared inquiry or seminar learning by kicking off a ‘book club.’ This group read Belly Up by Stuart Gibbs – at the wise suggestion of our awesome media specialist, Mrs. Page! Students had 60-70 page reading assignments each week – and most of them were easily able to do so! We are still in the process of wrapping up this work. In the New Year we will move back to short stores by JGB. 5:   Fifth grade readers wrapped up our Fall’s work with fluency activities including a readers theatre about Benjamin Franklin and poems for two voices by an award winning poet. Selections from both of these activities have been highlighted through my AIG blog. The last of December and into 2015 (...

More Paleontology!

Here is another group of Jones' fourth grade paleontologists. Thanks to Mrs. Tarantino for the time with her classes!

Fourth Grade Fossil Finds

Mrs.Tarantino and I have been working together to present all fourth graders the opportunity to be young paleontologists. Here are some snaps of students discovering fossil finds in sediment that is up to seventy million years old. Students carefully note their discoveries in their science journals. The sediment was donated by PCS Phosphate - an important company for North Carolina resources. Jewelers loupes provided by a grant from Asheville City Schools. G