Traffic Safety

Hola! This from our esteemed Principal, Sarah Cain:

Hi Jones Parents, this is Ms. Cain with a school safety message. Our school has grown in size and we now have over 500 students. This means daily traffic to and from Jones can quickly get congested. The safety of children and staff are my  priority. We have worked hard to come up with plans to move traffic as quickly as possible while minimizing disruption in the neighborhood. I have been a part of many traffic studies but the bottom line is we need your help.

PLEASE model safe driving by not speeding in our school zone or on Kimberly. Obey traffic directions by staff and volunteers directing traffic, loading/unloading cars.  Avoid using cell phones in the car lines as distracted drivers endanger everyone.. Do not walk through lines of cars.

We are very aware of the precious passengers you are delivering - on most days our Safety Patrol serves 130-150 cars. We know it is stressful to get stuck in traffic and wait in car lines but patience is both greatly appreciated AND needed. This week I have had several close calls while directing traffic - it is so easy to get distracted so I am asking for your help.

We start receiving students at 7:15 in the morning. The car line is the SAFEST way to get children into our building - next to parking in the K lot and walking them in. Stopping on Kimberly and letting children jump out is a huge risk. We can all help each other by following our recommendations. A letter will come home on Monday - please share with grandparents or babysitters who may also pick up children. 

Have a great weekend. Safety first. 

Sarah Cain


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