3rd Grade Testing / AIG Informational Meetings

ACS screens all third graders with the Cognitive Abilities Test. This will be administered on October 25, 26, and 27. The following letter will go home this week. Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

An outline of AIG presentations about our new plan for services can be found on this blog from 9/26/16.

Dear Parents/Guardians:
Your child will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test this fall.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be used at grades three and six to appraise the cognitive development of students. The test measures students’ learned reasoning abilities. The questions on the CogAT require students to demonstrate their reasoning abilities in each of the following areas:
  • Verbal: assesses a student’s abilities to use search, retrieval, and comparison processes.
  • Quantitative: assesses a student’s abilities to reason about patterns and relations using concepts that are essential in quantitative thinking.
  • Nonverbal: assesses a student’s abilities to reason with somewhat more novel questions that use spatial and figural content.

The CogAT is used locally to provide information for the Exceptional Children's Program, which includes the Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program and will give teachers information about how students think and reason.
Each battery (verbal, quantitative, nonverbal) of the test is 30 minutes long and is comprised of three ten minute sections. If you have questions regarding this test, please contact the AIG Specialist serving your school.



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