For your persistence in keeping up with this blog, here's a peek at the next AIG Update, that will go out next week. Thanks for tuning in! ASGM (advanced subject group in math): 5 Math students have moved into a new simulation, Cliffbound! This math work focuses on rates and presents students with a stranded couple of hikers to be saved. Students have to work together to solve problems, and we have ‘answer rounds’ at the end of every assignment where not only answers but methods are reviewed! 4 These students have been working on a released copy of the Noetic Math Contest, an opportunity they’ll have later in the year. This work provides challenging work including multi-step problems and logic. We’ll start reviewing the more challenging problems in the coming week. 3 Students have played a couple of challenging math games. In 24, they must manipulate numbers to make an equation equalling, you guess it, 24. They also have worked on completing “It all adds up” puzz...