Bear Story from 5th Grade

Our fifth grade students have started working with Vocabulary Workshop - a great resource for new, exciting words.

Working with the Antinori/Dunkel block, I'll be making extra writing assignments for AIG reading students.

Our first story was about bears - appropriate with all the local sightings.
I asked students to write their own bear story, here's a good one!


So one nice sunny Saturday, me and my mom had just had a little scuffle about who knows what. I was still annoyed so I blundered into the backseat of the solitary van since my dad,a veteran artist had already left for work. Soon after I got into the car my mom came and got into the front seat. We decided to cancel some of our plans to do something fun so we started throwing out lots of ideas and rejecting lots of ideas.

All of a sudden my mom realized she had forgotten her keys. She head back inside but forgot to close the driver’s seat door. So I thought it doesn’t matter it’s not like I’m gonna see a bear or anything. Cause at that time only my parents had seen bears so I kinda thought it was a myth. Then all of a sudden I  saw a big black huge bear. I was paralyzed in fear. I had almost totally forgotten that the front door was open! Then I saw four baby cubs lumbering behind the mama. I knew this was bad. I was wondering where is my mom?  Then I saw the mama distributing berries to the cubs,and they started coming closer to the car. I was terrified.
Then the mama laid right in front of the car. The car shook when she laid against it.The cubs looked so fragile even though they were still scary. They were continuously playing until all four of them laid surrounding the car. The only spot that they weren’t lying on the car was the open front door. Then finally my mom came outside and froze, then she unexpectedly ran to the car right into the front seat and slammed the door!! The bears woke up but didn’t move. We didn’t know what to do. So we honked the horn but they still didn’t move. So we waited for half an hour until they woke up from sleeping and finally moved on. Jeez we should document all our bear stories.


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