
Mrs. Bobart and Fox did an excellent job teaching poetry to their students. Here are some poems written by their students:


Some wishes come true.
Some dońt.
Some things you can control.
Some things you can't.
Some things make you feel like you´re in an endless field.
Others make you feel like youŕe in an deep dark cave.
Some things are unfinished.
So, remember,
Next time you wish,
It's just a wish.



I saw it before it came
Me the neighbors swish  
I knew it would come
And so would we
Gliding down the hill
I saw it before it came
Swish, Glide, Swoop, hurrle
I saw it before it came
Wet, Sip, Warmth, Fire
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!

The Art Room
I looked to the left
I looked to the right
All of the colours
Were so very bright!
The lines the swirls
I can’t even chose
The dashes the dots,
I’m trying to find
The one I like best
I think I found it
I think it’s the best
All the crazy colours
All out of the lines
The different sized lines
But what I liked best
About that painting
Was it was alive
The lines and colours
They took me inside,
Inside the painting
Where everything was
All happy and bright
I took the painting
I took it back home
Every single day
I look straight at it
With a huge smile.

Poems Are Cool

Poems. Rhyme. Imagery. Three amazing things. Words flying off the page! Words making clear stories of happiness and sorrow. They make a clear picture of whats happening. Blue skies. Green grass. Blue fonts! Pink fonts! Sure, they aren’t formal, but they are
So much more!

The Fire  
It was a normal day with a friend,
going back home, up a hill, big and tall.

The parents were talking when
one of them saw smoke under the

My mom said bye to them and then
call a fireman to check in out.
The fireman called over more fireman
then the next thing I know we
all in our garage hearing sirens.
Wheee-ooooh wheee-ooooh.
There were 6  fire trucks!

Then we hear lots of barking.
At first we thought it was a fire dog
but then I saw outside a window our dog bayley.
She was barking like crazy.
Grrrr browerrr ruff.

My mom ran outside to get bayley.
I was scared because mom had not been
back in a while.
Finally my mom was back with bayley.

In like 30 minutes they said they fixed it and
we could go back inside but I went under
the porch where it all started and sat there for
a while, just looking at the porch and thought.

Practice no more
On the very last day day day
After schools out out out
Slip on your suits to swim
On this very last day day day
Hip hip hooray
Time for play
After this very last day
Splash splash splash
Like a normal day
But its not
It's the very last day day day

Into The Rain

As I go into the rain
I come out of the dust.

I feel the rain on my cheeks
so smooth and so soft as I Feel
the dust washing off my face.

I see and hear the raindrops
pelleting off Windows and
the ground.

As I  see,feel,touch, and hear the
Rain for the first time,

I remember and I remember well
That the rain is beautiful.
(at least that is my advice.)

That the dust and rain are
Beautiful. (Sometimes)

I love my life with both   
either crude or nice,
And I do not want to
sacrifice my life,

For a droplet of rain or a
grain of dust.

Even though it does
feel nice (that is my advice)

I would never sacrifice
My life,

For Dust or rain,

Or any other thing as long,

As long as I Come Out Of The Dust.


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