Career Day
Rachel Herrick is the dynamite school counselor at Jones! One of her many plans for our students is to host a Career Day on April 9, 2015.
You should consider being a presenter at this event! Here are some things to know:
You should consider being a presenter at this event! Here are some things to know:
- 15-20 minute rotating presentations
- Explaining how and why you chose your profession
- What school or training was necessary for your job?
- What academic skills do you use (public speaking, math, writing, etc.)?
- Maybe a hands-on activity such as: have students pet dogs, look at babies and broken bones on a mini ultrasound machine, sing along to songs, dance and wear various pieces of uniforms. I encourage you to get the kids involved because that is how they truly learn and experience that profession!
Please consider taking part! I can promise you it will be an interesting and fun time!
Here's a link to get involved:
Hope to see you there!
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