Career Day

Rachel Herrick is the dynamite school counselor at Jones! One of her many plans for our students is to host a Career Day on April 9, 2015.

You should consider being a presenter at this event! Here are some things to know:

  1. 15-20 minute rotating presentations
  2. Explaining how and why you chose your profession
  3. What school or training was necessary for your job?
  4. What academic skills do you use (public speaking, math, writing, etc.)?
  5. Maybe a hands-on activity such as: have students  pet dogs, look at babies and broken bones on a mini ultrasound machine, sing along to songs, dance and wear various pieces of uniforms.  I encourage you to get the kids involved because that is how they truly learn and experience that profession!

Please consider taking part! I can promise you it will be an interesting and fun time!

Here's a link to get involved:

Hope to see you there!


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