Duke 4th - 6th Talent Search

Duke University's Talent Identification Program (TIP) recognizes high performing students in grades 4-6. TIP provides some recognition for these students as well as available programming both online and in summer programs. None of this is free, but enrollment isn't too expensive with opportunities for needs-based scholarships.

One advantage shared with me over the years is the opportunity for off-grade-level testing. Basically, students can take assessments like ACT and SAT before high school. In terms of preparing for these measures, I think it can be helpful to know the formats.

The measure for participation is 95%ile or greater on any number of tests. Current IBJ fourth grade  qualifying letters went out this week. The notice includes an application. It is not intended as an exhaustive data review - as it will include one or maybe two qualifying scores.

If you're interested in more information contact me or Duke:


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