Here's a copy of an email I shared on Cinco de Mayo. There are five email addresses I have that bounce, so if you didn't receive it, please let me know!


Happy May, everyone! Here are some blurbs about the content of our many AIG groups. I thought you might like a broader view of 3-5!


Math = advanced subject group in math (ASGM)
Reading = advanced subject group in reading (ASGR)
Aptitude / Thinking = comprehensive study group (CSG)
Enrichment based on above = enrichment study group (ESG)

3:  Completed decoding (Fat Cat) work to share soon.  Working on class book based on Insects Are My Life and behavior work. Will share completed book!
4:  Self-portraits mostly done. Working with logic challenges.
5:  Presentation of scales based on Beaufort Wind Scale available on blog. Just shared a Japanese kamishibai play and working to making our own! Self portraits largely done.
3:  Completed The Banza - complete with letter writing videos available on blog. One class yet to present. Will continue with challenging short stories. And behavior work.
4:  Continue to read The House with a Clock in Its Walls. Still working on written responses to literature. (Ask about "Four Letter Words" - not what you might think!)
5:  Most have completed novel Freak the Mighty. Working on student dictionaries modeled on the book.
Variety of math projects and activities in addition to:
3:  Geometry review with pentominoes. Will review area, perimeter, symmetry with math tools. And behavior work.
4:  At least one “math project” as well as enrichment activities (ex. Peruvian math with quipus, The Sieve of Erasthmus - ask your kids about these!)
5:  Small groups made simulations based on our work. Still in process of presenting.
5:  Making / presenting scales based on Beaufort Wind Scale. In progress; video available soon.
4:  Personal profiles using Google Slides available on blog. Logic games (ask about Trap the Mouse!)
3:  Decoding plus learning Pig Latin. Frivolous? Yeah, but un-fay ith-way onics-phay! Some behavior work, as well.

This year is screaming to an end - complete with EOG testing! SO IMPORTANT for everyone to bring their A-games for testing. If they try, they'll succeed!

Holler if you have any questions! Thanks for everything!


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