Great Ocean Rescue 2017

Fifth grade ESG students only recently completed their simulation:  The Great Ocean Rescue. Congrats to Team Warren for spending the least money in completing all four missions. Here is a handy-dandy compilation of how teams performed. Ask your kids about their decisions and how things worked!

Team R:  Tuesday   2nd
Team DJ: Wednesday  3rd
Team W:  Monday  1st
Fishin’ Mission
$10000 Barents Sea X
$10000 GB
$500 SONAR
$5000 Monkfish

Fishin’ Mission
$10000 Philippine X
$10000 GB
$500 Depth
$500 SONAR
$5000 Monkfish

Fishin’ Mission
$10000 George’s Bank
$500 Food supply
$500 SONAR
$5000 Monk


Pollution Pirates
$10000 Red Sea
$500 Water sample
$500 Sediment
$5000 Incinerator
$5000 Household Trash

Pollution Pirates
$10000 Red Sea
$500 Sediment test
$5000 Incinerator
$5000 Sewage sludge
$500 SatelliteX
$5000 Household Trash

Pollution Pirates
$10000 Med. Sea X
$10000 Red Sea
$500 Water Sample
$500 Sediment test
$5000 Incinerator X
$500 satellite
$5000 Household trash
Grief on the Reef
$10000 Okinawa
$500 Coastal Report
$5000 Diving/Boating X
$500 Coral Insp.
$500 Fish insp
$5000 Deforestation
Grief on the Reef
$10000 JamaicaX
$10000 SamoaX
$10000 Okinawa
$500 Coastal report
$500 Coral insp
$500 Water sample
$5000 Deforestation
Grief on the Reef
$10000 Okinawa
$500 Coastal Activty
$500 Coral Insp.
$5000 SewageX
Leaky Bottom
$10000 Gulf of Mex X
$10000 Hawaii X
$10000 Juan dF
$500 Water Sample
$500 Temp/Flow
$5000 Chemical
Leaky Bottom
$10000 Gulf of Mex X
$10000 Galapagos X
$10000 Juan de Fuca
$500 Water Sample
$5000 Chemical Change

Leaky Bottom
$10000 Juan de Fuca
$500 Survival
$500 Water Sample
$500 Past Report
$5000 Too much sampling
$5000 Chemical change


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